Last Updated on June 4, 2023

Maybe you’ve become aware of the popularity of the Law of Attraction. And you are wondering how to integrate its principles into your daily life?
To do this correctly, you must first understand the meaning and the guiding principles of the Law of Attraction. Thankfully, they are surprisingly simple and easy to understand.
Today I’m sharing a beginner’s guide to understanding the Law of Attraction. Learn what it’s all about and its effectiveness. You’ll also discover some powerful tips on how to apply the Law of Attraction for positive rewards, joy, and happiness.
The Law of Attraction Definition
The Law of Attraction states that the negative attracts the negative, and the positive attracts the positive. The universe can understand our subconscious mind and deliver things according to our way of thinking.
This belief is based on the idea that everything, including our thoughts, is composed of energy. And there is an energy attraction process through which people can improve their health, wealth, and anything they believe they can achieve.
“What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.” – Buddha
Does the Law of Attraction Work?
Almost everyone who has heard of the Law of Attraction has asked this question again and again: Does it really work? Some might say the Law of Attraction is a lie, that it’s simply too good to be true. However, that is not true. It DOES work, has always worked, and will continue to work, whether you practice it or not!
As I mentioned previously, the Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like”. Based on the fact that all things in the world emit certain vibrations and these vibrations seek out and interact with other things with similar vibrations.
Haven’t you ever noticed that once one bad thing in life happens it’s often followed by another bad thing? That is commonly referred to as the domino effect. Or maybe you have heard the famous saying: “When it rains, it pours.” That is the Law of Attraction at work.
You might be wondering if the Law of Attraction is so great, why use negative examples to illustrate its effectiveness? Well, the truth is, as a society we find it easier to believe in the negative, versus the positive. When good things happen, we might just write them off as one-time good luck or think it’s just accidental.
Is the Law of Attraction About Chance?
Nothing is left up to chance. Everything that happens in this world and your life happens for a reason!
Whether you want to accept it or not, the Law of Attraction works. Believing that it works means that you have to take responsibility for your own life, and because of that, many people find it difficult to truly accept the Law of Attraction. Most of you are probably thinking, I do take responsibility for my life. But do you really?
What are you thinking about now? Are you worried about not having enough money or how to pay bills? Are you pressured by the fact that more and more bills continue to pop up as your cash keeps spreading thinner?
The more worry and pressure you have about receiving bills, the more bills you will receive. The more you worry about not having money, the less money you have in your bank account. If you only change your viewpoint on these things, you will be surprised at what will happen. You will begin to take positive actions subconsciously!

If you can relate to that situation, spend the next two weeks not thinking about your bills. Don’t look at your bank account. Every time you go to the mailbox, visualize money in there. Every time you start thinking about bills and debt, transform your mind into thoughts of overflowing abundance. Think about the good things you have in your life. Everyone has something to be grateful to have. So, figure out what you’re thankful for and focus on it.
Some people will argue that for something to happen, more than just thinking is necessary. That is a fact, you must turn your thoughts into actions. And that’s why some believers say that as long as you think about what you want to achieve, you will take the necessary actions to achieve these goals. That is just another Law of Attraction technique.
See also: What are the 12 laws of the universe?
How to Use the Law of Attraction Effectively
The Law of Attraction currently works all around you. It plays a huge role in your life. Now is the time for you to take control and make the Law of Attraction work its magic. And, that means you have to change your way of thinking. You must be grateful for what you have and always focus on the positive. The Law of Attraction is real and truly powerful.
If you want the Law of Attraction to provide you with positive rewards, joy, and happiness, follow these powerful strategies below:
Practice Gratitude

For the Law of Attraction to work, you must always be thankful. That means no matter what you have so far in your life, you must all be grateful for it.
If you continue to practice this in good faith, you will get many positive gains. A great way to practice gratitude daily is to give thanks every morning when you wake up and before going to bed at night. At those times of the day, our subconscious mind is most receptive. Showing gratitude keeps us humble and reminds us of all the good things in life.
See also: 50 journal prompts for gratitude
Raise Your Vibration

Since like attract like, raising your vibration will truly help the Law of Attraction work in your favor. When you vibrate higher, you will begin to manifest the desires, people, and experiences to match your high vibe.
There are many things you can do to raise your vibration. For some powerful ideas, I recommend you to check out my previous post on How to raise your vibration frequency, where you’ll discover ten crucial tips to vibrate higher.
See also:
- 10 toxic things that lower your vibration
- 35 positive affirmations to raise your vibration
- How to raise the vibration in your home
Avoid Thinking Negative

Your life is possibly awfully hectic and stressful. And for that reason, it’s easy to feel frustrated and negative. But we must not forget that the negative attracts the negative. Therefore, if you only focus on negative factors, you will only attract negative things back into your life.
See also: 10 tips to develop a positive mindset
Tell the Universe What You Want

Do you want a happy life, more money, love, and a better-paying job? All of this can belong to you, but you need to subconsciously request it. For example, if you want to bring love into your life, then you must truly visualize yourself with the love of your life. Picture how happy you are, the smiles on your faces enjoying life together. Remember, you must truly believe it will happen. Only authentic positive energy can attract more positive things. You can’t fake it!
See also: How to visualize to get what you want
The Law of Attraction proves that our subconscious mind is an extremely powerful tool. If we know how to use it correctly, it can provide us with all of our desires. By incorporating its principles and opening your heart, you too can experience the wonders brought by the Law of Attraction!
If you enjoyed this guide on understanding the Law of Attraction for beginners, I would be very grateful if you shared it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest! Thank you❤️

Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.