Last Updated on June 17, 2023

Many people spend a lot of time wondering why they make the same mistakes, follow the same patterns, and continue to live the same way. They are not satisfied with the current situation, but they do not seem to be able to make any changes that will last. Can you relate?
You may have read books and followed the advice given to you, but in the end, you’re back in the same dysfunctional pattern you’ve been following. Why is this always the case?
We have a hard time making long-lasting changes in our lives because we only feed information into our conscious minds. The problem is that our conscious minds are not what control our behaviors and belief systems, our subconscious minds do.
So to be able to change your patterns, you must first reprogram the hard-wired center of your mind: the subconscious mind.
In today’s post, you’ll learn about the subconscious mind and how it works, including how to reprogram your subconscious mind in four different ways.
How the Subconscious Mind Works
The subconscious mind is the largest part of our minds. It contains all the information we receive in our lifetime. Including millions of ideas grouped into clusters that form character traits, beliefs, and mindsets.
You can imagine the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious mind as an iceberg. Our conscious mind is represented by the tip of the visible iceberg, while the subconscious mind is at the bottom of the enormous invisible iceberg.
You cannot see the subconscious mind at work, but it definitely has a massive impact on every aspect of your life.
The subconscious mind is where all your learned behavior is stored. After learning to walk, you don’t have to think about how to lift and place each foot to take the next step, right? Your subconscious mind automatically controls your walking.
Your subconscious mind learns behavior by practicing and repetition. And just as it learned to control your steps when learning to walk, it controls the steps on your life journey based on everything you have reinforced in your life.
The good news is that you can reprogram your subconscious mind by entering and amplifying new thoughts and behaviors. There are several methods you can try out to tap into your subconscious mind and reprogram it.
4 Ways to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
Below you’ll find four powerful strategies you can use to reprogram your subconscious mind to change your life permanently.
1. Repeat Positive Affirmations Daily
One of the best ways to change your subconscious mind is to use positive, personal, and present-tense affirmations to overcome implanted negative thoughts. By repeating these positive affirmations, you can create new paths in your subconscious mind for positive attitudes.
Your subconscious mind will then prompt you to behave in new ways which are consistent with these new attitudes. For example, repeating the affirmation: “I am grateful for everything I receive”, can change your attitude about gratitude and appreciation.
- 24 Affirmations for Manifestation
- 30 Affirmations for Emotional Healing
- 35 Affirmations to Raise Your Vibration
- 30 Affirmations for Self-Love & Confidence
- 25 Affirmations for Anxiety Relief
- 30 Affirmations to Heal Your Body & Stay Healthy
2. Visualize Your Success
Visualization is a technique where you create a detailed mental picture that represents the desired outcome where you see your own success. These images stimulate your subconscious mind to accept them as reality and then direct behavior accordingly. Top athletes around the world use this technique during competitions!
Check out THIS article to learn how to visualize step-by-step to manifest your desires.
3. Try Hypnosis
There are some forms of therapy that work with the subconscious mind, and that includes hypnosis. Hypnosis works by putting you in a state of extreme relaxation. And once you are in that state, the conscious mind releases its grip, and the subconscious mind becomes more accessible.
Under hypnosis, it is much easier to reprogram the subconscious mind to accept new ideas as reality.
Check out this guided hypnosis for clearing negativity:
4. Listen to Subliminal Audios
You can reprogram your subconscious mind while sleeping by listening to subliminal audio. The conscious mind hears music or someone speaking on one level, but the subconscious mind hears another level of information recorded under the audible part.
In the awake state, the conscious mind is distracted by the audible portion of the audio, which makes it harder to reach the subconscious mind.
Here is subliminal sleep programming audio you can use while sleeping:
Using techniques like the ones mentioned above can help you reprogram your subconscious and clear out the negative thoughts buried there. Imagine living freely without the automatic dysfunctional behaviors that have driven you for years!
You can achieve more when you turn a negative attitude into a positive one. And by doing so, you clear your mind from negative programming so you can thrive and live your best life.
If you enjoyed this post on how to reprogram your subconscious mind, I would be very grateful if you shared it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest! Thank you❤️

Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.
Im definitely going to try these techniques. I have been plagued with addiction and a poor self-concept since I can remember. I have tried to overcome those through therapy, but there was always a component missing, and as a result my habits remained ingrained. I believe this is the part I am missing. Im very excited to meet the person I always wanted to be. Thank you!
It definitely sounds like reprogramming your subconscious mind could help you. It’s good to hear you are taking positive actions towards bettering yourself. I wish you good luck on your journey❤️
This is so awesome, I really appreciate the audio files a lot.
Your guidance makes the journey easier to get to know and navigate.
I’m happy to hear you enjoyed the tips 🙂