Last Updated on June 17, 2023

“Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It isn’t more complicated than that. It is opening to or receiving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it.” – Sylvia Boorstein
In today’s world, our lives are very much chaotic and busy. We are so focused on the past and the future that we often forget to just live in the present moment.
The present is happening now, but many of us take it for granted and don’t appreciate the little elements in life that make it special and meaningful.
The good news is that by following some simple guidelines, you can train yourself to stop up and live fully in the moment, which will also help you find inner peace and tranquility.
In today’s post, you’ll learn how to live in the moment and the many benefits you’ll receive by doing it!
Benefits of Living In the Present Moment
Living in the present moment helps us live life more fully. It makes us appreciate the small moments and bring us so many benefits.
Here is a list of what living in the present can bring you:
- Happiness and an overall positive outlook on life.
- Better mental health, including being less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.
- Physical pain becomes easier to manage.
- Calmness and inner peace.
- Easier to develop any skills.
- Better memory and increased focus.
- Purpose in life.
- Higher self-awareness.
How to Live In the Moment And Be Happy
Learning to live in the moment takes time and practice, it’s not something that happens overnight. Luckily, it exists several powerful techniques to help you become more mindful and slowly begin living in the present moment. And, below you’ll find the six best tips to achieve a present-moment mindset:
1. Focus Solely On a Specific Action
Stop everything you’re doing and focus on just one thing. It allows you to ground yourself in that task completely and clear your mind of everything, except what you are currently doing.
For example, prepare a cup of tea and think about how it will taste when you drink it. Focus on how the warm mug feels in your hand, what the temperature feels like when the mug touches your lips, and the different blend of smells and tastes as you drink the tea.
All worries, goals, and other random thoughts should be out of your mind. By focusing on one action at a time, you learn to appreciate and enjoy the smaller things in life. You will feel calmer and more peaceful.
2. Practice Deep Breathing
Focusing on your breathing is probably one of the quickest ways to ground yourself and arrive in the present moment, especially if you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or having racing thoughts.
Simply put all your focus on your breathing. And to help you stay focused to prevent your mind from wandering, I recommend counting as you inhale and exhale. I like to take deep belly breaths, counting to four while I inhale through my nose and slowly exhale through my nose counting to eight.
3. Turn Off Your Phone
Screens have become an everyday part of our lives. The problem is that we are always connected, constantly checking our messages and social media. Take some time to turn off your phone and just be present in the moment.
Disconnecting for a short time allows you to focus on what you’re doing at that moment. Maybe grab a coffee with friends, read a book, dance, cook, or do anything else you enjoy doing, focusing only on the activity you are doing!
4. Go Out for a Walk
Walking is one of the best ways to achieve a present-moment mindset. It allows you to temporarily clear your mind from unnecessary or intrusive thoughts and worries.
When you walk, consider your surroundings. Think about how the ground feels under your feet and the temperature of the air.
Think about the sounds from nature and isolate all other distractions. That will fill your mind with calm, soothing thoughts as you enjoy the outdoors and focus on the things around you.
5. Think About What You Are Grateful for
In our busy lives, it’s easy to forget what we are grateful for and enjoy. Take some time to write down, think about, or even record yourself while saying the things you appreciate in life.
For example, you may be grateful for your family, friends, a job, food, clean drinking water, and a roof over your head.
Thinking about what brings you joy in the present moment will make you feel positive and excited while also raising your vibration frequency.
6. Focus on Your Senses
We take our senses for granted. Our abilities to smell, taste, hear, touch, and see, let us experience the many joys of life. They are so powerful and crucial, yet many of us don’t take the time to appreciate them.
Try to sit still for ten minutes a day, clear your mind and only think about how your body and senses are responding to the world around you. That lets you live in the present and fully experience that moment.
By taking some time to be present, you will become happier, calmer, and more grateful for the little things in your life. We should all learn to take a moment to stop, reflect, and enjoy every second of our day.
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Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.
Thanks for sharing these amazing tips.
Going for a walk helps a lot. I love walking alone it calms my mind.
No problem, glad you enjoyed the tips!