Last Updated on September 14, 2023

The universe is governed by a set of fundamental laws that shape our reality and influence every aspect of our lives. These laws often referred to as the 12 laws of the universe, have been studied and explored by many ancient and modern philosophers, scientists, and spiritual leaders. Understanding and practicing these laws can help us live a more fulfilling and harmonious life.
In this article, we will delve into the 12 laws of the universe, exploring what they are and how we can apply them to our daily lives. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, or a deeper understanding of the world, this guide will provide you with the tools you need to start practicing these powerful laws today.
Where did the 12 universal laws come from?
The 12 laws of the universe’s origin are not well documented and it is not clear who first came up with this idea. However, the principles of these laws are based on spiritual, philosophical, and metaphysical beliefs that have been present in various cultures throughout history.
Ho’oponopono, a meditation for freedom rooted in ancient Hawaiian culture, is often linked to the universal laws. Nonetheless, some of these laws are also credited to hermetic philosophy, which traces its origins to ancient Egypt.
Regardless of their origin, the 12 laws of the universe have become a popular concept in the spiritual and personal growth communities and are used by many as a framework for understanding the world and creating positive change in their lives.
12 Laws of the universe explained
Here is the explanation of the 12 universal laws and how you can practice each.
1. The law of divine oneness
The law of divine oneness states that everything in the universe is interconnected and that there is no separation between all things. The idea is that the universe is like a vast, interconnected web and that every person, animal, plant, and molecule is connected to every other thing. This interconnectedness means that our thoughts and actions can affect not only ourselves but also the entire universe.
How to practice the law of divine oneness:
Practice mindfulness and gratitude, and focus on connecting with the world around you. Try to be aware of the interconnectedness of all things, be compassionate with others, and act in ways that promote the well-being of the entire universe.
2. The law of vibration
Everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration, and these vibrations determine the differences between things. The universe is made up of energy, and that energy is constantly vibrating at different frequencies. The idea is that our thoughts and emotions also have a vibration and that we can use this vibration to attract or repel things into our lives.
How to practice the law of vibration:
Focus on positive, constructive thoughts and emotions, and try to cultivate a positive state of mind. Practice meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness practices to help raise your vibration. Check out my previous post with the ten best ways to raise your vibration frequency for more tips!
3. The law of inspired action
This law states that for every action, there is a reaction. The law of inspired action is sometimes referred to as the law of cause and effect and states that our thoughts, feelings, and actions all have consequences that impact the world around us.
How to practice the law of action:
Bring the focus within yourself and follow your inner guidance. The law of inspired action involves taking action that is guided by your intuition and aligned with your values and goals.
4. The law of correspondence
The law of correspondence states that the way we experience the world is a reflection of our inner state of being and that we can change our experience of the world by changing our thoughts and emotions.
How to practice the law of correspondence:
Work on improving your inner state of being and focus on cultivating positive thoughts and emotions. Practice mindfulness and self-reflection, and be aware of the correspondence between your inner state and your experience of the world.
5. The law of cause and effect
Every effect has a cause, and our thoughts and actions are the cause of everything that happens in our lives. This law suggests that we are in control of our lives and that we can create the experiences we want.
How to practice the law of cause and effect:
Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions, and focus on creating positive changes in your life. Practice visualization, affirmations, and other positive thinking techniques to help you focus on positive change.
6. The law of compensation
The universe compensates us for our thoughts and actions. And this law states that if we focus on positive thoughts and actions, we will receive positive experiences in return. For example, if we perform acts of kindness, we may receive kindness in return.
How to practice the law of compensation:
Practice kindness, generosity, and positive actions, and focus on attracting positive experiences into your life. Be mindful of how your thoughts and actions are compensated, and focus on cultivating positive energy.
7. The law of attraction
The most known universal law, the law of attraction, says we attract into our lives the people, circumstances, and experiences that are in alignment with our thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts and emotions have a powerful influence on the world around us and we can use this influence to attract the experiences we want. For example, if we focus on positive, constructive thoughts and feelings, we will attract positive experiences into our lives.
How to practice the law of attraction:
Focus on positive, constructive thoughts and emotions, and use visualization and affirmations to help you attract positive experiences into your life. Be aware of the power of your thoughts and emotions, and use this power to create the life you want. Check out THIS post to learn everything you need to know about the law of attraction.
8. The law of perpetual transmutation of energy
This law states that energy is constantly changing and transforming and that we can harness this energy to create positive change in our lives. We can use the energy of the universe to change our lives and create the experiences we want.
How to practice the law of perpetual transmutation of energy:
Focus on positivity and use visualization and affirmations to help you harness the positive energy of the universe. Practice mindfulness, meditation, and other energy practices to help you connect with the energy of the universe.
9. The law of relativity
The law of relativity states that our perception of reality is shaped by our experiences and beliefs. It suggests that our experiences of the world are subjective and that there is no one “right” way to see things.
How to practice the law of relativity:
Practice open-mindedness, and be aware of the subjectivity of your experiences. Try to understand that there is no one “right” way to see things, and be open to different perspectives.
10. The law of polarity
Everything has an opposite, and these opposites are interconnected. There is no good or bad, light or dark, right or wrong, without the other. The law of polarity encourages us to understand that everything has multiple aspects and that every experience contains both positive and negative elements.
How to practice the law of polarity:
Practice balance, and be aware of the positive and negative aspects of your experiences. Focus on finding balance in your life, and try to understand that everything has multiple aspects.
11. The law of rhythm
This law states that everything has a rhythm and that this rhythm influences our lives. This law suggests that our experiences are influenced by natural cycles, such as the cycles of day and night, the seasons, and the tides.
How to practice the law of rhythm:
Be aware of the natural cycles in your life and try to understand that your life is influenced by these cycles. Work with these cycles to create positive change.
12. The law of gender
The law of gender states that everything has masculine and feminine (yin and yang) energy and that these aspects influence our lives. All of our experiences are influenced by the balance of masculine and feminine energy in our lives.
How to practice the law of gender:
Be aware of the divine masculine and feminine energies in your life and focus on creating balance and harmony. Try to understand that both masculine and feminine energy is necessary for balance and practice integrating both energies into your life.
These are the 12 Laws of the Universe, and they offer a framework for understanding the world around us and how we can create positive changes in our lives.
By practicing these laws daily, you can develop a deeper understanding of the universe and how you can create positive change in your life. It takes time and consistent effort to incorporate these laws into your life, but the benefits are well worth it!
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Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.
Thanks for sharing ♡
I get to learn amazing things on ur website . I want to express sincere thanks n gratitude . God bless u
Chandrasekhar S
Thank you so much, Chandrasekhar! Your kind words mean the world to me. I’m truly grateful to have you here, and I’m so happy you’re finding value in the content. Wishing you many blessings on your journey! 🙏✨