Last Updated on June 17, 2023

Insecurity may be the biggest obstacle to your achieving goals. If you lack confidence in yourself and your skills, you will never be able to leave the starting line. Insecurity is the result of poor mental habits and giving others too much power. However, through work, you can become a very confident and secure person!
In this post, you’ll learn the most common causes of insecurity, and you’ll find eight powerful tips to help you overcome your insecurities and low self-esteem!
Causes of Insecurity
So, what are the causes of insecurity? Babies are not insecure, so this must be something we learn later in life. How do we develop insecurity, and how do we carry those insecurities into our adult life?
The root causes of insecurity will vary, but usually, it’s a result of one of the four things mentioned below, if not a combination of all.
Low Self-esteem
If you view yourself negatively and think you are powerless, you will feel insecure. The amount of self-esteem you have ultimately depend on how you see yourself. Not how other people see you. However, if you allow them to influence your confidence, they can affect your self-esteem.
Relying On Others to Make You Feel Good
It’s great to be approved by others, but when you need it to feel confident and secure, your sense of self-worth is out of control. It creates a strong need for approval and gives too much power to everyone around you.
Unreasonable Expectations
People who seem to have it all. The perfect life. These are the people we see on social media. It is easy to forget that they are only a tiny part of the population. Not to mention, everything you see online is far from reality. Avoid comparing yourself to others.
Insults and Criticisms From the Past
These negative comments may have come from parents, friends, teachers, or anyone else in your past. Children are particularly sensitive to criticism and it can be difficult for them to get over negative comments.
How to Overcome Insecurity
To feel secure is to remove the power you allow others to have over you. You don’t need the approval of others. You don’t need to compare yourself with others. The past does not have to define who you are today.
Below are eight powerful tips on how to stop being insecure.
1. Approve yourself. You can give yourself as much approval as you choose. Pay attention every time you’re searching for approval from others and stop yourself. Instead, give yourself a compliment and practice self-acceptance and self-love. Over time, your interest in gaining approval from others will dissipate. The more you learn to accept and love yourself, the less approval you will need from others!
2. Only compare yourself to yourself. Are you eating more healthily than last month? Has your financial situation improved? Have you learned a new skill? Seek to improve your past. Never compare yourself with other people and avoid worrying about what other people are doing.
3. Work on removing your insecurities. The best way to deal with insecurities is to eliminate them. So, come up with a plan and start working on it. Suppose you have a lot of social anxiety. You may spend more time in public places each week. Then you may introduce yourself to a new person every week, and so on. There is no need to overwhelm yourself. Just take small steps every week to work towards overcoming your insecurities.
4. Your insecurities are hidden from the world. When you feel insecure, only the people who know you best can tell. Everyone else doesn’t have a clue. Many people feel insecure, and then feel embarrassed that everyone can see they are insecure. That is not true, everyone is too busy with their own insecurities to even think about yours!
5. Remember that no one actually cares. All insecurity stems from the fear of being judged in some way or another. If you can realize that most people don’t really care about what you are doing, you are free. Your insecurity will disappear in an instant.
6. Visualize a positive result. Only when we imagine a negative result do we start to feel insecure. It all starts in your mind. Imagine a positive result, and you will feel so much better. When you feel insecure, close your eyes and visualize positive things happening. Develop this habit. Use your imagination for your benefit.
7. Use positive affirmations. Affirmations can help you replace negative thoughts about yourself with positive ones. Choose some positive affirmations that resonate with you every day and repeat them throughout the day. To find the best affirmations to help you overcome insecurity, check out my post with 30 affirmations for self-love and confidence, or get them on printable cards to always keep with you.
8. Remember your best times. Use your past for your gain. Remind yourself of your best moments and greatest victories. Go back to those situations and remember the feeling of success. Make it a habit and do it every morning and evening.
As an added benefit, the better you feel about yourself, the better you feel about others. Do not let your insecurities taint your future. Make a decision today to trust and love yourself more.
We are not born insecure but we are certainly good at becoming insecure. Our insecurity robs us of our happiness and limits us in many ways. Insecurity will prevent us from fully enjoying life and from being everything we can be. However, with some effort put in your insecurities can be minimized. So, make a decision right not to give up your unreasonable expectations and your past hurts. The future is waiting for you, and with confidence, you can achieve anything you put your mind to.
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Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.