Last Updated on September 4, 2023

The dark night of the soul is a deep and painful period of your life. It’s a time when you feel hopeless, depressed, lost, disconnected, and empty. It brings you a deep sense of meaninglessness with no purpose to anything. However, the dark night of the soul is not all bad, it’s also a beautiful experience that will completely transform your life.
In this post, you’ll learn about the purpose and symptoms of the dark night of the soul, as well as how to cope and what happens after it.
What is the purpose of the dark night of the soul?
“When everything around you becomes real dark, it’s easier to find the light within.” – Bert McCoy
The dark night of the soul is also known as spiritual depression and is the darkest time of your life. It’s often triggered by external events that can not be explained or have taken away the meaning that life used to have. Such as the death of a loved one, especially if it was a premature death.
The symptoms of the dark night of the soul can remind us of depression, but it’s not the same. The dark night of the soul has a deeper purpose. You get the opportunity to come out with a transformed state of consciousness, and it is the beginning of a spiritual awakening process.
It’s essentially a rebirth where your ego dies.
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The dark night of the soul symptoms
Below are nine dark night of the soul symptoms you might be able to relate to:
1. Your life seems meaningless
Nothing makes sense anymore, and your life has no purpose. You feel a deep sense of meaninglessness. You are no longer interested in the same things as before, as you realize the things you used to do are not actually fulfilling.
2. Your body is purging
The dark night of the soul also brings physical changes known as purging symptoms. You might feel the anxiety starting to creep up, digestive issues, sleep problems, or changes in your eating habits.
3. You re-connect with your inner child
You discover and acknowledge your inner child, and let yourself engage in the activities you loved to do as a child, whether that’s painting, singing, playing games, or just having fun in your innocent state again.
See also: Journaling for inner child healing
4. You notice more synchronicities
Synchronicities start to appear more and more in your life. Pay attention to them, as they will guide you along the way!
5. You feel unhappy
You feel sad and depressed, but at the same time confused because you don’t feel happy. It seems strange to think about the things you once loved, as you discover that they didn’t really make you happy. It was an illusion. You are now waking up.
6. You feel lost
You feel lost, alone, and stuck in life. All sense of direction is gone. You need to re-think everything you once thought to be true. You may want to change your life completely but do not know how to do it. A lot of questions will come up about who you are and what your purpose in life is.
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7. You start to incorporate healthy habits
During the dark night of the soul, you’ll start to re-think your habits and their consequences. You want to improve yourself and begin researching how you can do it. You might change your diet and sleeping habits, and begin meditating or exercising.
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8. You get in touch with your spiritual side
You are getting pulled towards the spiritual path as the new is pushing through the old. Learning and growing become important as you wish to transform your consciousness. Spirituality gives you answers and comfort. It helps you discover a new purpose and gets you through the toughest moments.
See also: How to develop spirituality for beginners
9. You start to remember
Old repressed memories from your childhood start to come back to you. These are the memories that have been ignored for too long and need healing.
If you had a traumatic childhood, your past memories will hit you hard as you are faced with new truths and must confront your traumas. By doing inner child work, you can begin healing, check out this post to learn how!
Dark night of the soul stages
The stages of the dark night of the soul are often described as follows:
1. Awakening
This is the initial stage where you begin to question your spiritual beliefs and experience a sense of longing for a deeper connection with the divine. There’s a growing dissatisfaction with the superficial aspects of your faith or spirituality.
2. Awareness of the dark night
During this stage, you become acutely aware of your struggles and spiritual emptiness. You may feel a sense of abandonment by the divine or experience a loss of the spiritual consolations you once had.
3. Spiritual dryness
This is a phase of intense spiritual dryness, where you feel cut off from your usual sources of spiritual nourishment. Prayer and meditation may become difficult or seem pointless.
4. Dark night of the senses
In this stage, the focus shifts from the intellectual and external aspects of faith to the purification of the senses. You experience a profound detachment from worldly pleasures and material desires.
5. Dark night of the soul
This is the most profound and challenging stage. It involves a deep sense of spiritual emptiness and a feeling of being abandoned by the divine. It can be a time of intense suffering, doubt, and existential crisis.
6. Spiritual purification
During this stage, you undergo a profound transformation, shedding attachments to ego and worldly desires. The soul is purified and prepared for a deeper union with the divine.
7. Union with the divine
After enduring the trials of the dark night, you may experience a profound sense of union with the divine. This is often described as a state of spiritual enlightenment or mystic communion.
It’s important to note that the experiences can vary greatly from person to person. Some people may only experience certain stages, while others may not experience it at all.
What to do if you’re experiencing a dark night of the soul
If you are going through the dark night of the soul, there are several things you can do to help yourself. First of all, you must accept what you are feeling. The more you resist it, the more suffering you will get in return. Accept that you are not okay right now, and remember that this is happening for a reason. Everything is playing out just as it’s supposed to. Trust the process.
It’s important to rest a lot and be kind to yourself during this dark time. You’ll probably want to spend most of the time alone. Practice self-care and self-love. Find enjoyment in the smaller things in life, like spending time in nature, creating art, or reading. You might find an interest in the activities you used to do as a child and have fun re-exploring them.
The dark night of the soul is a time for healing. It’s a time when you must face your darkest demons. You must look within yourself for answers and listen to your inner spiritual guidance since it will help guide you.
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Signs dark night of the soul is ending
The signs that it is ending can vary from person to person. However, here are some common signs that may indicate the end of the dark night of the Soul:
- You experience a growing sense of inner peace and serenity, even in the face of life’s challenges.
- You begin to feel a rekindling of your spiritual connection or a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in your life.
- You gain clarity about your life’s purpose and direction, and you feel more aligned with your authentic self.
- You start to experience emotional healing and a greater capacity to manage and understand your emotions.
- Feelings of joy, happiness, and contentment return, and you can find joy in simple moments and everyday life.
- Your relationships with others improve as you become more compassionate, understanding, and forgiving.
- You develop greater emotional resilience and a capacity to bounce back from setbacks and challenges.
- You may receive profound spiritual insights or mystical experiences that provide a sense of profound understanding and connection.
- You are more able to engage in your spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, or rituals, with a sense of renewed purpose and devotion.
- You feel a deep sense of gratitude for the lessons learned during the dark night of the soul and for the transformative process itself.
- Your actions and choices align more closely with your values and beliefs.
- You develop a deeper sense of self-acceptance and self-love, embracing both your strengths and vulnerabilities.
How long does dark night of the soul last
The duration of the dark night of the soul can vary significantly from person to person. It is not bound by a specific timeframe and does not follow a strict schedule.
Some people may experience it for a relatively short period, while others may go through an extended and more profound journey that lasts for months or even years.
What happens after the dark night of the soul
After going through the darkest times of your life, everything will have changed for you. Coming out of the dark night of the soul brings you a transformation of consciousness, which will make you understand why you had to go through this awful time. Because it will all be worth it – your soul will awaken, your life will have purpose again, and you will feel free, happy, and at peace.
Books on the dark night of the soul

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Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I was drawn to this post intuitively. It was like you reached into my soul and explained what is happening.
Thank you for leaving a comment. It sounds like the post found you right when you needed it. Hope you are coping during the dark night of the soul, take care of yourself during these challenging times❤️
I’m currently experiencing this. It’s like a constant state of despair. I wish it would go away. Nothing makes sense. I’m trying to hold on. I’m tired of the pain. I’m tired of the loneliness. I’m tired of crying.
I’m tempted to go back to my old self…. Sigh….
Hello, I’m sorry to hear you are going through a thought time. Please take care of yourself and seek professional help if it gets too hard. Talking with someone can help you figure out many things about yourself which are necessary when going through the dark night of the soul❤️
Thank you very much for sharing your experience! It has helped me understand more what I am going through.
I just came out the dark night that lasted 10+ years.
I also am an addict so it was very helpful to work some NA steps to see me through. Upon the closing I heard the GOD OF MY UNDERSTANDING tell me IT IS DONE! Painful as it was and surprised I survived and endured that much pain….I now know what the light at the end of the tunnel truly means.
I’m really happy you made it through a tough 10+ years of darkness and addiction, and that working on NA steps helped. Hearing a higher power say “IT IS DONE” must’ve been amazing and showed you the light at the end of the tunnel.
I am going through the DNofTS. I just don’t have any motivation to do much. Selling myself to others has fallen away and letting go of “who I am projections” has gone. It’s so scary. I’ve been so lucky to still have contact somewhere with infinite spirit. I’m drawn to the prayer of Jerez. Keep going everyone.
I’m sorry to hear you’re going through a dark night of the soul. It can make you feel unmotivated and like you’re losing your sense of self. It’s good that you still feel connected to something spiritual. Keep pushing on, you’re not alone in this, and things will get better❤️
I’ve been in the dark night of the soul for two years and four months. It is unbelievably challenging difficult I’m feeling lost and alone, and I wish it was over. The only thing I can think is that I’ve had so much trauma that I just peel off one layer and then there’s another one and another one and I hope I’m getting towards the center. I’d love to hear my higher power say it is done. And I’m hoping that might be fairly soon. I have really devoted my time and energy to this. Trying very hard not to distract myself. Spending massive amounts of time alone. Sometimes I completely lose the feeling of trust and trusting this process. It’s weird to have all this insight and openness and then go into complete amnesia and do a bunch more healing. I’m really glad to have found your post and know that I’m not alone. Thank you .
Hello Sue, your endurance through this extended dark night of the soul is truly remarkable. Amidst layers of trauma and moments of feeling lost, your commitment to healing shines through. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and brighter days lie ahead. Trust that your higher power is guiding you towards the center, even amidst moments of amnesia. Keep faith, and may your perseverance lead you to the light you seek ❤️✨
Thank you so much for your encouraging words ♥️