Last Updated on June 3, 2023

A spiritual awakening usually occurs when it’s least expected. Some would say that the spiritual awakening process is so profound and life-changing that it cannot be missed.
However, many go through this transformative experience unknowingly or mistake it for something else. That’s why it can be beneficial to know the stages and signs of a spiritual awakening for some extra help and guidance.
In today’s post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the spiritual awakening process, including what is it, its causes, stages, signs, how long it lasts, and what happens after a spiritual awakening.
What is a Spiritual Awakening?
People often refer to spiritual awakening as a great realization or a state of enlightenment. It’s a process where you literally “wake up” to life. Many questions will arise and you get a sensation that there is so much more to life than you once thought.
A spiritual awakening is a profound, often philosophical experience where the realization of our true nature takes place. It’s an awakening of reality beyond our ego, where we realize that we are all One.
The spiritual awakening process is complex, confusing, and challenging, but it’s also a beautiful experience. It’s the start of a new journey. A journey of personal transformation and higher consciousness.
See also: How to start your spiritual journey
Causes of Spiritual Awakening
A spiritual awakening process usually happens unintentionally and several things can cause an awakening. A major life-changing event often triggers the process but it can also be a slow and subtle shift.
Some of the most common causes of spiritual awakening include:
- A traumatic experience.
- A major life-changing event, for example; death, birth, divorce, or serious illness.
- A near-death experience.
- A personal crisis.
- Conscious awareness, for example through meditation, mindfulness, personal transformation, or connection with nature.
5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening
Since a spiritual awakening is a different experience from person to person, it’s hard to say exactly what the stages are in the process. However, the most common stages, which can help give you an idea of the process, include:
Stage 1: The Initiation
The first stage usually begins with a search for something deeper. This is often caused by a traumatic or life-changing experience.
It’s a time when you will feel empty, unhappy, confused, and depressed. A lot of questions will come up about who you truly are, and what your purpose is here in life.
See also: How to heal from trauma
Stage 2: Search for Answers
Here you will start to shift your perspective in the search for the answers you are missing. It’s still a period of great unhappiness where you start to rethink everything you have been taught and might feel like everything you know is a lie. A new perspective on life has arisen.
Stage 3: Answers Within
In the third stage, you start to look for answers within yourself. You will experience a strong urge to grow and learn more, beyond the superficial. Finding out who you are and what your life purpose is will be a huge part of this stage.
Your interests and values will change. The things that used to interest you before no longer do. You might become more religious or spiritual in the search for answers within yourself.
Stage 4: The New You
There is no hiding that the spiritual awakening process is painful. The transformation from the “old” you to the “new” you can be tough.
However, this pain is just temporary. Keep pushing through the pain as you are growing. You will soon see that old patterns are dissolving as you are turning into the true version of yourself. As this happens you will start to feel joyful, hopeful, and excited about what’s coming for you.
Stage 5: Spiritual Alignment
Spiritual alignment is the final stage and the ultimate goal of a spiritual awakening. It’s an alignment with both self and the universe. This may be a life-long journey and is not guaranteed.
When you reach spiritual alignment you will start to see the big picture. You will feel connected and peaceful. The perspective on life you once had is shifted from I to We. You might feel ready to become a spiritual mentor or role model to help others on their journey.
28 Major Spiritual Awakening Symptoms & Signs
Many people go through a spiritual awakening without even knowing it. It’s known to be a painful and uncomfortable time but can easily be mistaken for something else.
Since the spiritual awakening process is different for everyone, the sign and symptoms will be as well. It exists many different symptoms, which are not only emotional but also psychological and physical.
Below are 28 of the most common symptoms of a spiritual awakening process:
1. You Start Craving Purpose
This is a clear sign that you are entering a very exciting and transformative period of your life. You start to crave a purpose in life but you don’t know what it is yet.
See also: How to find your true calling in life
2. You Feel Different
A feeling that you are somehow different. Your life feels new and changed, and you have put your old self behind you.
3. You Feel Lost and Alone
This symptom has come as a surprise to many extroverts who previously saw themselves as extroverted, sociable, and committed. You feel lost, nothing makes sense anymore, and you rather spend time alone.
See also: The dark night of the soul symptoms & how to cope
4. You See How Unhappy Most People Are
As you awaken your empathy strengthens. You start noticing how unhappy people are and have a strong desire to help.
5. You Become a Fast Learner
You go through learning and personal issues at a fast pace with the sense that you understand them quite quickly and easily.
6. You Notice More Synchronicity
Synchronicity is the universe communicating to you. You might notice it in the form of numbers, messages, or recurring events. Pay attention, it will guide you in the right direction and help you make the best decisions for your path.
See also: How to attract more synchronicity
7. Your Sleep Pattern Is Changing
You feel restless and start waking up two or three times every night. Also, feeling tired after waking up and sleepy from time to time during the day.
8. You Become More Sensitive
You find yourself crying over the smallest things, feeling suddenly angry or sad with little provocation, feeling sad in an unfamiliar way, and then feeling very happy. It’s an emotional roller coaster.
9. You Want to Make the World Better
A desire to learn, understand, and work, not only for yourself but also for others arises.
10. Your Compassion Grow
You begin to live in harmony with nature and other people. Compassion and love become equal regardless of race, nationality, culture, etc.
11. You Trust Your Intuition
Your intuition strengthens and you begin to trust it and see where it takes you.
12. Your Dreams Become Vivid
Sometimes the dreams are so real that you wake up confused. You may even experience lucid dreams where you are in control. Many dreams can be mysterious or have messages for you.
13. You Have More Self Control
You start noticing what bad things need to be set aside and choose only the right path based on appropriate wisdom and good judgment.
14. You Start Breaking Patterns
A desire to tear yourself away from unhealthy patterns, jobs you hate, destructive lifestyles, and toxic people or situations.
15. You Feel More Creative
Creativity explodes and you start to receive images, ideas, music, and other creative inspirations, often at an overwhelming speed.
16. You Want to Become Your True Self
You understand that it is time for you to seek and speak your truth. It’s important for you to become more authentic, more yourself.
17. You Crave Deep Conversations
Shallow talk is something you avoid, and you might feel irritated and bored when people try to make small talk. You want to talk about compassion, life, and helping others achieve their best self.
18. You Start To Remember
Memories emerge to the surface. Body memories, repressed memories, images of past lives, or parallel lives.
19. Your Eating Habits Change
Strange food cravings and weird food choices might tempt you. Some people find that they are not as hungry as they used to be or that they are hungrier.
20. You Discover Food Intolerances
As you become more spiritual, you become more sensitive to everything around you. Your body will tell you what it can no longer tolerate as if it’s removing what no longer serves it.
21. Your Senses Strengthen
Your taste, sight, hearing, smell, and touch are strengthened. You may also see geometric shapes or strong colors and images when your eyes are closed.
22. You Experience Changes In Your Energy
Episodes of intense energy that make you want to jump out of bed and start working. Followed by periods of little energy and exhaustion.
23. You Feel Emotionally & Mentally Confused
A feeling that you need to get things in order as your life feels messy and chaotic but at the same time you are not able to focus.
24. You Feel In Harmony With Seasons & Cycles
You become more attuned to the seasons, the phases of the moon, and the cycles of nature and feel a stronger connection with the Earth.
25. You Experience a Sence of Oneness
A sense of Oneness with everything and everyone will arise. It’s a direct experience of the Whole which allows you to flood with compassion and love for all life.
26. You Feel Dizzy
Dizziness occurs when you are not grounded. Maybe you have just cleared out a major emotional problem and your body is adapting to your lighter state.
27. You Want to Understand Who You Truly Are
So many questions about who you are and why you are here are arising. You spend a lot of time getting to know yourself, and as a result, your self-awareness develops.
28. You See People for Who They Are
You start seeing people’s true colors as you become more sensitive to authenticity, with both strangers and close ones.
How Long Does a Spiritual Awakening Last?
There is no timeframe for how long a spiritual awakening process takes. Seeing that a spiritual awakening process is unique for everyone, the time frame will be as well. It also depends on your willingness, the development of your consciousness, and your progress.
However, once the spiritual awakening process has started there is no turning back. There will be ups and downs but it’s important to stick to the right path. It might take a lifetime to reach the highest level of consciousness but it’s definitely worth it.
What Happens After Spiritual Awakening?
A spiritual awakening is often an ongoing process for most individuals, and the intensity of the experience can vary from person to person. It’s important to recognize that the initial intensity of the awakening may fade over time, and the journey can become more subtle and integrated into daily life. However, even as the intensity changes, the transformative effects of the awakening continue to unfold.
For many, the initial awakening will be a profound and life-altering event that brings about a significant shift in consciousness. The experience may be intense, accompanied by profound insights, revelations, and a sense of unity with the divine or the interconnectedness of all things.
After the initial peak experience of awakening, it’s normal to enter a phase of integration and stabilization. This phase involves integrating insights and realizations into everyday life and establishing a new foundation for living in alignment with one’s authentic self. During this phase, the intensity of the awakening may diminish, but the transformative effects continue in different aspects of your life.
While the initial peak experience may fade, the ongoing process of spiritual awakening remains. It becomes a continuous journey of self-discovery, growth, and deepening understanding. The path of awakening may lead to further insights, challenges, and opportunities for growth. It’s important to approach this journey with patience, self-compassion, and an openness to the ever-evolving nature of the awakening process.
Guided Spiritual Awakening Journals

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Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.
Oh I just had a spiritual awakening also. Discovered I am a starseed
How exciting! I wish you good luck on your journey 🙂
such a beautifully crafted article and so detailed. I truly enjoyed the section on what happens after awakening. Embodying truth is a life long process that we mistakenly think is instant while searching. I loved this
Love & Light
Thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate your feedback, and I’m happy to hear you enjoyed the article❤️
Alot of these seem to be the same I was going thru when I started mine loved the article. I’m going down the shaman priestess path
I’m happy you loved the article! You are going down a very interesting path, I wish you good luck on your shaman priestess journey!
A lot of this resonates with me also, I think I’m still in the “feeling lost” stage bust I also like my alone time too. I have really begun to enjoy my time outdoors and have a new found appreciation of birds
That’s great to hear you are spending more time in nature and discovering new appreciations. I hope this guide helped you, and I wish you all the best on your awakening journey!
I would like to learn more spiritual awakening. Can you please help me
Hello Mariana, exciting to hear you want to learn more about spiritual awakening. I suggest exploring various books and online resources that go more in-depth about the process. Look for materials and youtube videos that resonate with you, as there are many different perspectives and approaches about it. You can search for keywords like “spiritual awakening books” and “spiritual awakening video” to find valuable resources. Remember to approach this process with an open mind and heart. Allow yourself to absorb and reflect on the teachings you encounter, and take time for introspection and meditation to connect with your inner self.
my awareness started in a scary unexpected way, knowing the pain I was having was “cancer” and it made me more scared, more angry, more aware of the negativity in my life, but it also made me meet a special person to help me get through the treatments and more, that person has been in my life for over a year, and I did not get this awareness until earlier this year, 2023 about five months ago, and just now getting back to feel some normal, and still living around negativity that I can’t control, I try to ignore a lot of it, and go on with my life. I am now able to talk to my special person, that we plan on spending the rest of our lives together, when he comes home from his last deployment with the military this next year in the spring. And we are both looking forward for those days ahead.
Your story of spiritual awakening amid a cancer diagnosis and the discovery of a special person as your source of support is inspirational. Your ability to embrace positivity and look forward to a future together despite the challenges you’ve faced shows incredible strength. I hope your journey continue to be filled with love, healing, and the promise of better days ahead. Wishing you and your special person all the happiness in the world.