Last Updated on January 6, 2023

Guest post by Tor Njamo
Within our etheric energy body, The Aura, there are seven main Chakras, which govern nearly everything about us.
For some of you, this will be old hat, whilst for others, this will be entirely new information. Many of you will even be sceptical about whether this is the case. There is no strictly “scientific” way to prove the existence of our Aura and Chakras.
You can only see and feel for yourself.
In this post, I will outline in more detail what the Chakras are, how many you have, why they are important to understand, how you can unblock them and why you may want to do that.
What Are the Chakras?
The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel”, the wheel of life, constantly moving, changing and directing our life force in the way it is meant.
Historically, they first appeared in Hinduism; now, they are accepted by many different spiritual traditions worldwide.
Most people in the field agree that there are seven main Chakras and many minors. The major Chakras correlate with the seven layers/bodies of the Aura.
Counting tends to be from the bottom:
- Red or base Chakrum – astral or emotional body
- Orange or stomach Chakrum – lower body
- Yellow or spleen Chakrum – spiritual body
- Green or heart Chakrum – casual body
- Blue or throat and upper chest Chakrum – higher body
- Indigo or third eye (centre of the forehead) Chakrum – intuitive body
- Violet or crown Chakrum (entry of spirit) – etheric/second body
One cannot talk about the Chakras without briefly mentioning the Aura.
The Aura is our Life Force, an electrical force that breathes life into our existence via the base Chakra and moves up our spine to activate all the rest of them and animate our existence.
Why Is It Important to Understand the Chakras?
The Chakras are different levels of consciousness, and they all correlate to various functions within our mind, body and soul.
Each one of them will have a specific job within you.
As we have mentioned, they govern our entire existence; there is an unseen thread between them and our entire physical existence.
Understanding the workings of our Chakras is vital because if one of them is blocked, out of balance or working too hard, that can negatively impact our wellbeing.
For example, if your throat Chakra is blocked, that can lead to depressive thoughts or a lack of confidence.
How Can You Unblock Your Chakras?
Before explaining how to unblock your Chakras, let us explore how this happens in the first place. The Chakras can become blocked by the many tribulations of life; stress, negative thoughts, arguments, unhealthy ambitions, greed, difficult conversations and the list goes on.
All of these experiences will have an energetic residue that can become stuck within our chakras. Allow me to explain; I want you to think of the Chakras as a wheel on a bike with seven spokes, and the rider (you) use the bike daily.
With daily use, grease and other muck will get stuck on the spokes (the Chakras); if you do not clean it, that will influence how well the bike (you) rides.
The Chakras work precisely the same way: we pick up grease and muck from our enviorment (negative energy from the ethers and other people) and produce a lot ourselves.
So the question becomes, how do we clean them out?
The most effective way to cleanse your Chakras is with a meditation which focuses on and includes cleansing and balancing the Chakras.
A quick cleanse:
Sit down on a chair, close your eyes, take a few calming deep breaths and visualise the seven chakras within you with your mind’s eye. As you have taken a few deep breaths and begun to relax, imagine a white glowing healing light moving through your chakras from the bottom and up through all seven chakras.
Make sure that they all glow a healthy and balanced colour. When done with this, ensure that you close all of your Chakras (simply dim them slightly) and wrap yourself in a protective white light.
This will provide you with protection for some time from other people’s negative energy, and it will not be able to enter your energetic field.
This protection does not last forever, and you should be cleansing your chakras and protecting yourself like this regularly.
If you want to try a longer meditation, you can try this one out. This meditation includes cleansing the Chakras but has additional elements such as Spirit Guides.
There are other ways you can cleanse and balance your Chakras. You can, for example, use a Clear Quartz Crystal point.
I recommend holding the crystal in your hand whilst meditating or pointing it directly towards the Chakra you want to balance and cleanse. You do not need to point it towards the Chakra for more than 10 to 15 seconds.
I wish you good luck familiarising yourself with the Chakras and exploring their endlessness– there is always something more to learn about them in meditation.

Tor Njamo is a Psychic Tarot Reader, Spiritual Healer and Spiritual Educator. He is also the Founder of Esoteric Studies Insitute.
The institute offers one-to-one Psychic Tarot Reading, Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Learning Experiences.
Spirituality has been a part of his life since childhood; his grandmother was a clairvoyant medium, and he has sat in a Psychic Development Circle since 2013.
He now offers Spiritual Experiences to individuals and groups internationally.