Last Updated on March 9, 2024

“There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.” – Oprah Winfrey
Many spend a lot of time thinking about what their calling in life could be, and that is for a very understandable reason. That’s because most of us need to feel a higher cause of life and being. We need to feel like we weren’t born only to have a series of experiences and then die.
Have you ever felt that way? If you have, I suggest you keep reading to learn how to find your true calling in life.
In this article, you’ll learn how to find your true calling in life in nine powerful ways.
9 Ways to Find Your True Calling
When discovering your life purpose there are many paths to explore. Unfortunately, no one can find it for you. Since your true calling in life is unique, it’s a mission only you can accomplish.
As you start looking into different life callings, focus on enjoying the journey itself. That’s because sometimes when you stop stressing about what your life purpose could be, it suddenly appears.
Below are 9 different ways to help you find your true calling in life.
1. Past Experiences
There are many ways to go about finding your true calling in life. One is to set aside some time for contemplation and meditation. In fact, deep thoughts and contemplation must be carried out to find your life purpose.
So, find a quiet, peaceful place and think about what you have experienced in your life so far. Both joyful and painful experiences, experiences that made you understand people, and most importantly yourself.
Think about how you dealt with those situations. Have you learned how to handle situations healthily? Have you been handling things in an unhealthy way? Do you know the difference? Those are just some of the reflective questions that can be clues to finding your true calling in life.
2. Journaling
Try to write down how you really feel and what you want in life. Remember, no one will read this except you, so don’t be afraid to express all your thoughts.
Go back and re-read what you have written from time to time. This process can often bring you new insights you weren’t aware of when you first wrote it.
You should also check out these 18 journal prompts to find your true purpose in life. The prompts will help you tap into your desires, needs, wishes, and fantasies to guide you on the right path.
3. Consider Your Talents
Consider what areas you are naturally good at and see if you can turn those skills into something meaningful for you.
Many people are attracted to a life calling that makes them feel like they are making a real difference in the lives of others. You may find it fulfilling to use what you are already good at to help someone who needs it.
4. Have a Conversation With Inspiring People
Have conversations with people who inspire you. While you may not be interested in the same things, you can converse about how they discovered their purpose in life. Hearing about their victories and struggles will provide great lessons on your journey to finding your true calling.
5. Pursue Your Passions
If you are passionate about a specific topic, maybe you can focus on making it a career or hobby so you can pursue activities that are meaningful to you. This way, every day of your life will feel important, and you will have a life purpose.
6. Become a Light of Hope
If you have lived a painful life, you can use those experiences to find your life calling to be a healer.
When someone is suffering alone, it can make them feel worthless or that their lives have no meaning. By sharing your past trauma or pain and how you overcame it, you have a life purpose.
That purpose may be to inspire others who suffered the same fate. You can become a light of hope for people who might feel that nobody understands what they are going through.
7. Discover What Brings You Joy
What brings you joy? Think back to the happiest moments in your life. What are you doing at these times? You can start pursuing your life calling by using what already makes you happy.
Remember, you don’t have to be looking for something exotic! After all, your life purpose may already be right under your nose.
8. Follow Your Values
Everyone has a set of values that they tend to uphold in life. You can use your values as a starting point for discovering your true calling in life. Create a list with all your values, with the most important values at the top. Think about what you can do every day to honor these values, and you may find your calling.
9. Try Bhagavad Gita
What if there were a time-tested guide for discovering and fulfilling your true calling?
As it turns out, such a map exists. The Bhagavad Gita, a classic text of yoga wisdom that has inspired generations to live more meaningful lives, offers us an essential guide for finding our calling.
In Your True Calling, you’ll learn how to use this powerful map to discover and align with your unique purpose. It’s an online course, where you’ll be guided through a powerful step-by-step journey to explore your true calling so you can bring greater meaning and joy to your life. Click HERE to join!
It may take years to find your calling in life, and sometimes it takes a lifetime to look back and realize what your life purpose was. However, once you find it, you will receive a sense of satisfaction and inner peace, which others who are not aware of their calling in life will never experience.
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Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.