Last Updated on March 10, 2024

You may remember those specific experiences, which were a little weird in the way they unfolded, like traveling to another country and randomly meeting an old childhood friend while walking outside. Or picking up your phone to call a friend, and at that exact moment, your friend calls you.
That’s synchronicity, when something happens with perfect timing, just as if it had been planned. In most cases, synchronicity can be defined as a meaningful coincidence that is divinely orchestrated.
These types of events can truly make you think about the concepts of free will and destiny. I, for one, can think of many experiences that were just too “on point” to only be a coincidence…
What Is the Meaning of Synchronicity?
The concept of synchronicity was first introduced in 1920 by analytical psychologist Carl Jung. During his career, Jung came up with different definitions of synchronicity. The different definitions he used to describe the term were:
- “acausal connecting (togetherness) principle”
- “meaningful coincidence”
- “acausal parallelism“
- “meaningful coincidence of two or more events where something other than the probability of chance is involved.”
Jung believed that just as events can be connected by causality, they can also be connected by meaning.
What Does It Mean to See Synchronicity?
Many people believe that synchronicities are signs from the universe telling us we are on the right track. Likewise, giving us some guidance when it’s needed and steers us in the direction of spiritual awakening.
However, you have to be open and pay attention to be able to see synchronicities happen. The more you pay attention to them, the more you will find them in your life.
Keep reading to learn how to attract synchronicities in your life, as I will go deeper into that later in the post!
Why Do Synchronicities Happen?
According to, Carl Jung observed amongst his patients that synchronicities usually happened during difficult emotional times, and often peaked right before a psychological breakthrough. That includes life-changing events such as death, birth, or any personal crisis.
There are different theories as to why synchronicity happens. Let’s talk about some of the most popular ones:
Scientific Point of View
Science cannot explain why synchronicities happen, as it’s not based on experimental evidence. So, they are arguing that synchronicities are just pure coincidences, and any strange event is likely to happen by accident.
Skeptic Point of View
Many believe that synchronicities are just confirmation bias. In other words, when you are always on the lookout for something you will notice it way more.
The term apophenia is also often mentioned by synchronicity skeptics as an explanation of why it happens. Which means mistakenly seeing a pattern or meaning in random or meaningless data.
Spiritual or Religious Point of View
Spiritual and religious people often believe that the universe, God, Angeles, or any higher power causes synchronicities.
In today’s world, the universe, God, and Angeles are widely accepted explanations for why synchronicities happen. This is a quite normal belief to turn to when something has no explanation or scientific evidence.
Examples of Synchronicity
Below are some examples of synchronicity that you may be able to relate to:
- Thinking of someone and then receiving a call or message from them: You might have a strong thought or feeling about a person you haven’t heard from in a while, and shortly after, you receive a call or message from them out of the blue.
- Seeing repeated numbers or patterns: You consistently notice specific numbers or patterns appearing throughout your day, such as repeatedly seeing the number 11:11 on a clock or encountering the same sequence of numbers in different contexts.
- Meeting people with significant connections: You meet someone new and discover that they have an unexpected connection to your past, such as attending the same obscure school, living in the same city you used to live in, or knowing people from your hometown.
- Finding answers in unexpected ways: You have a burning question or problem on your mind, and suddenly, you stumble upon a book, overhear a conversation, or see a sign that directly addresses or solves your query.
- Symbolic encounters in nature: Animals, birds, or specific natural elements repeatedly appear in your life, seemingly coincidentally but carrying symbolic meanings for you. For example, encountering a specific bird during difficult times and interpreting it as a sign of hope or guidance.
- Receiving timely guidance or support: You might be grappling with a decision or seeking guidance on a particular matter, and then, through a conversation, a book, or a chance encounter, you encounter information or advice that feels tailor-made for your situation.
Remember, synchronicities are highly subjective experiences, and their interpretations may vary from person to person. They often carry personal significance and can be seen as signs, affirmations, or reminders that we are connected to a larger, meaningful framework in the universe.
See also: 7 signs you are spiritually connected with someone
How to Attract & Increase Synchronicities
If you are ready to attract, increase, and start using synchronicity more consciously in your life, try the following four steps:
1. Cultivate Awareness
Pay attention to the world around you with an open mind and heart. Practice mindfulness and being present in the moment.
Notice patterns, signs, and symbols that appear in your life. Keep a synchronicity journal where you record meaningful coincidences as they occur. Reflect on the possible messages or insights they may hold.
2. Set Intentions
Clarify your intentions and desires. What do you want to manifest or attract into your life?
Visualize the outcomes you seek and infuse them with positive emotions. State your intentions clearly, either through affirmations, visualizations, or written statements. Be specific about what you want to experience.
3. Trust the Process
Trust in the universe, higher power, or whatever higher order you believe in. Have faith that synchronicities will manifest in their own time and in the most appropriate ways.
Let go of attachment to specific outcomes. Surrender control and allow synchronicities to unfold naturally, without forcing or manipulating situations.
Practice patience and remain open to unexpected opportunities and connections that may arise along your journey.
4. Take Inspired Action
Act on the insights and opportunities presented by synchronicities. Follow your intuition and inner guidance to pursue paths that feel aligned with your intentions.
Be proactive in creating conditions that invite synchronicities into your life. Engage in activities that nourish your soul, connect you with others, and expand your awareness.
Stay flexible and adaptable in your approach. Be willing to adjust your course based on the feedback and synchronicities you receive.
So, are you ready to use synchronicity more consciously in your life?
Then, try to follow the simple steps mentioned above, and you will be surprised to see how many synchronicities you will start to notice.
The more you work with your intuition and are on the lookout for synchronicities, the more you will find yourself being guided to the right place at the right time.
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Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.