Last Updated on June 3, 2023

The idea of Indigo children is based on the concept proposed by Nancy Ann Tappe in the 1970s when she first began seeing children with the Indigo life color. Since then, a series of books in the late 1990s and several films in the following ten years have aroused worldwide interest. A variety of books, conferences, and related materials have been produced around the belief in the concept of Indigo children and their nature and abilities. But, what is the true meaning of Indigo children? What are their traits and characteristics? How to know if I am an Indigo child? What should I do if I am?
Keep reading to find all the answers and discover the truth about the mysterious Indigo children.
What Are Indigo Children?
The indigo phenomenon is the next step in human evolution. Indigo children have come to show us the way we have forgotten. They are our mirrors. In other words, they reflect what is within us, everything that needs to be changed to develop or increase our consciousness. They are here to help change the vibration of our lives and create peace, balance, and harmony.
Indigo children have emerged to eliminate the old outdated system. They are fighters on a mission. They will show us that we must learn new methods for peace to prevail and to break our previous habits of control, threats, or any other destructive behavior.
This is done through heart connections and love. They can’t get rid of their feelings and pretend that everything is okay. Their goal is for us to change, not them. They are our teachers!
Indigo Children Traits
Indigo children are very intelligent and need to have their minds stimulated with enjoyable things. They have an incredible memory and are gifted souls with evolved consciousness.
Indigo children are also known to be walking lie detectors and will not be manipulated or fall for any hidden agendas. Adapting to dysfunctional situations in their homes, schools, and workplaces can be hard, and they cause chaos when they move around. Indigos are very headstrong and don’t like being told what to do, and neither do they want to do things your way.
Other indigo children characteristics include:
- Extremely empathic and compassionate.
- Often known to be considered “strange” by friends and family.
- Show a strong connection to spirituality, even from a young age.
- Have a strong sense of self-awareness.
- Are highly intuitive.
- Want to change the world.
- Always seeking the truth, no matter how much it hurts.
- Known to be old-souls.
- Gravitate towards leadership.
- Like being alone.
- Are highly creative.
- Strongly connected to animals and nature.
- Get easily bored.
- Finds it challenging to listen to authority.
- Experience temper outbursts and meltdowns.
Indigo Child Test
How do you know if you are an Indigo? Or maybe your child is an Indigo? A good way to test yourself is to answer the following questions to see if you, or your child, have any Indigo personality traits:
- Are you always searching for a greater purpose in life but feeling that the world is not set up for your kind?
- Have you always felt wiser than others your age?
- Do you have difficulty adapting to the ways of society and feel uncomfortable in today’s world?
- Is your view of the world very different from most people around you?
- Are you highly intuitive and always know when people are lying or hiding something?
- Do you want to change the world?
- Do you feel that you are born to fulfill a special mission in life?
- Are you creative and love to express yourself through art and creativity?
- Do you gravitate towards leadership and find it hard to work in teams or when someone else is in charge?
- Do you feel misunderstood by your family? Maybe you feel like the black sheep in your family?
- Do you have a strong connection with nature and animals?
- Unless you are with like-minded people, do you feel antisocial?
- Are you emotionally sensitive?
- Do you get bored easily?
- Are you empathic and passionate to a level where it hurts to see or hear of violence, destruction, and cruelty?
- Did you have a hard or challenging childhood?
- Are you often weakened by too much authority?
- Are you a free thinker and a truth-seeker?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, you are probably an Indigo.
Indigo Child Struggles
Many but not all Indigo children are diagnosed with ADD/ADHD disorder because they cannot sit still, cannot concentrate, easily get bored, are impulsive, and do things super fast. However, in reality, they are just trapped in a human body with a lot of pressure to help humanity.
As a result of their ADD/ADHD diagnosis, they are often given medicine, such as Ritalin or Adderal. However, medicine often ends up numbing the child, causing them to lose touch with their intuitive capacities and truth-seeking nature.
There is also a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and addictions for Indigos. They feel such a huge pressure to make changes in the world that it actually ends up hurting them.
Tips to Indigo Children
For Indigos, it’s extremely important to stay grounded, keep shielded, and have harmonious energy within their environments. There are several tips you can try to create a sacred environment, to empower and help fulfill your mission.
Below are seven tips to help you as an Indigo child:
Just Breath

Breathe! Breathing moves energy. When you feel frustrated, scared, or over-hyper, just stop and take a deep breath. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Exercise helps get rid of excess energy, as Indigo children’s nervous system is wired differently from others. Through exercise, you can release what you are holding in your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual body. Some excellent exercises to try include martial arts, yoga, karate, tai chi, dancing, running, and gymnastics.
Stay Grounded

Staying grounded is super important for Indigo children. Spending time in nature is highly recommended, and a huge plus if you walk barefoot. Spending time outside will help you continue to stay connected to the natural world.
You should also bring nature inside, find beautiful plants, crystals, waterfalls, rocks, aquariums, etc and decorate your place.
Remove Electronics From the Bedroom

Keep all electrical devices out of your bedroom. Indigos can’t tolerate the dangerous electromagnetic waves emitted by these devices. This will help you have a night of deep and peaceful sleep.
Stay Shielded

Indigo children are extremely sensitive, that’s why it’s important to focus on staying shielded. Their highly tuned energy field absorbs negative emotions and environmental energy like a sponge, causing severe mood swings. Indigos absorb all energy without knowing it and treat it as their own, this can be mentioned as a reason for their ADD/ADHD labeling.
Learn to create and surround yourself with “the bubble of white light” every morning. This repels the negative energy around but allows positive energy to enter. Connect this white light to the crown of your head, and then let it pour out all over you and down under your feet. This surrounds you with a white light bubble. White is pure and highly protective.
Drink Enough Water

Indigos, especially, have to drink plenty of water, as it helps flush toxins from the body and removes the negative energy from the energetic body.
Try Alternative Healing

Alternative healing can truly benefit Indigo children. Reiki energy healing, sound healing, and other alternative treatment methods will heal, balance, rejuvenate, and enhance the power of Indigos!
We are entering a wonderful new world where the truth will be set free, and peace will reside. That is a beautiful thing. Keep pushing through!
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Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.
Hi Sara. I found you on a search of indigo children…I am 55 years old and I’ve been awaking for a couple years now.. there are so much in my life that is being purged and I know 100 percent I’m an indigo adult now. I have ALWAYS known I’m DIFFERENT from alot of other people…I want to change this world into a world filled with LOVE..KINDNESS..COMPASSION and CARING society that helps each other not to suffer. I don’t know why I’m telling you all this..I’m meant to…thank you and peace and love to you ♥️♥️🌈
Hi Brenda, I’m so happy to hear you discovered you’re an Indigo. The world needs more people like you. Good luck on your mission and much love ♥️
Aww thank you so much, I’m happy to hear you found valuable information here 🙂
Thank you so much
No problem 🙂