
What Is Soul Retrieval? + Soul Loss Symptoms

soul loss shamanism

Have you ever felt like a part of you was missing, like there was a hole in your soul that you couldn’t quite fill? Maybe you’ve experienced a traumatic event that left you feeling fragmented or disconnected from yourself. If so, you’re not alone. Many people have experienced this sense of loss or disconnection at […]

What Does 11 11 Mean Spiritually?

what does 11:11 mean spiritually

Have you ever glanced at the clock and noticed that it reads 11:11? Perhaps you’ve seen the number sequence repeatedly in other aspects of your life, such as on license plates, receipts, or even in your dreams. You may be wondering if there’s a deeper meaning to this phenomenon. In the realm of spirituality, 11 […]

70 Chakra Affirmations to Balance Your 7 Chakras

70 chakra affirmations for healing

The chakras are crucial components of our inner world, and maintaining their balance is essential to our overall health and happiness. However, with our busy lives and constant distractions, it can be challenging to keep our chakras aligned and energized. And that’s where chakra affirmations come in – powerful statements that can help activate and […]

20+ Best Gifts for Your Spiritual Friend

20+ best gifts for your spiritual friend

As we journey through life, many of us seek to connect with something greater than ourselves. For some, this connection takes shape through spirituality, and for others, it’s a way of life. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, or simply connecting with nature, spiritual practices can bring peace and clarity to our lives. If you have a […]

What Are the 12 Laws of the Universe? + How to Practice Them

12 laws of the universe explained

The universe is governed by a set of fundamental laws that shape our reality and influence every aspect of our lives. These laws often referred to as the 12 laws of the universe, have been studied and explored by many ancient and modern philosophers, scientists, and spiritual leaders. Understanding and practicing these laws can help […]