Last Updated on June 3, 2023
![45 Inspirational Spiritual Quotes for Enlightenment & Wisdom](
Following a spiritual journey brings enlightenment and wisdom found within yourself. It teaches you about life and helps you achieve a stronger connection to everything. It inspires you to become your authentic self and follow your own truth.
It only takes one powerful quote to change your life. Inspirational spiritual quotes can give you the answer you have been searching for or give you the guidance you so much needed.
In this post, you’ll find 45 inspirational spiritual quotes for enlightenment and wisdom. I hope these quotes will help you find what you need!
45 Inspirational Spiritual Quotes About Life
1. “The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be.” – Shakti Gawain
2. “To realize that you are not your thoughts is when you begin to awaken spiritually.”– Eckhart Tolle
3. “The real meaning of enlightenment is to gaze with undimmed eyes on all darkness.” – Nikos Kazantzakis
4. “The more in harmony you are with the flow of your own existence, the more magical life becomes.” – Adyashanti
5. “When we understand clearly that inner peace is the real source of happiness, and how, through spiritual practice, we can experience progressively deeper levels of inner peace, we will develop tremendous enthusiasm to practice” – Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
![45 Inspirational Spiritual Quotes for Enlightenment & Wisdom](
6. “Enlightenment is not a change into something better or more, but a simple recognition of who we truly already are.” – Anonymous
7. “Everyone wants a happy life without difficulties or suffering. We create many of the problems we face. No one intentionally creates problems, but we tend to be slaves to powerful emotions like anger, hatred and attachment that are based on misconceived projections about people and things. We need to find ways of reducing these emotions by eliminating the ignorance that underlies them and applying opposing forces.” – Dalai Lama
8. “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi
9. “Seek spiritual riches within. What you are is much greater than anyone or anything else you have ever yearned for.” – Paramahansa Yogananda
10. “The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can’t be organized or regulated. It isn’t true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth.” – Ram Dass
![45 Inspirational Spiritual Quotes for Enlightenment & Wisdom](
11. “For one human being to seek enlightenment from another is like a grain of sand on the beach seeking enlightenment from another.” – Terence Mckenna
12. “Spiritual process is not about chanting a mantra or closing your eyes, spiritual process is essentially about enhancing your perception.” – Sadhguru
13. “When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has attained the highest state of spiritual union.” – Lord Krishna
14. “There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take one with a heart.” – Lao Tzu
15. “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher, but your own soul.” – Swami Vivekananda
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16. “The ego tries to convince us that we must do things to achieve enlightenment. The spirit knows that enlightenment is not a matter of doing, but a magnificent consequence of being.” – Dean Jackson
17. “The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.” – Henri J.M. Nouwen
18. “Enlightenment, joy, and peace can never be given to you by another. The well is inside you.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
19. “Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.” – Ibn Taymiyyah
20. “Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment” – Lao Tzu
![spiritual wisdom quotes](
21. “Make no mistakes about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of the untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” – Adyashanti
22. “The way to liberation or freedom or perfect happiness and peace is through perfect purity of mind and heart.” – Sri Swami Sivananda
23. “You are here for no other purpose than to realize your inner divinity and manifest your inner enlightenment.” – Morihei Ueshiba
24. “Spiritual progress is like a detoxification.” – Marianne Williamson
25. “Once you realize that the way you exist right now is not enough, that there is something more, your spiritual process has already begun.” – Sadhguru
![45 Inspirational Spiritual Quotes for Enlightenment & Wisdom](
26. “The mind of an enlightened human being is flexible and adaptable. The mind of the ignorant person is conditioned and fixed.” – Ajahn Sumedho
27. “Man is lost and is wandering in a jungle where real values have no meaning. Real values can have meaning to man only when he steps on to the spiritual path, a path where negative emotions have no use.” – Sai Baba
28. “The spiritual journey involves going beyond hope and fear, stepping into unknown territory, continually moving forward. The most important aspect of being on the spiritual path may be just to keep moving.” – Pema Chödrön
29. “If you want to find out the purpose of life, you need to look beyond the limitations of body and mind.” – Sadhguru
30. “Enlightenment or awakening is not the creation of a new state of affairs but the recognition of what already is.” – Alan Watts
![Inspirational Spiritual Quotes for Enlightenment & Wisdom](
31. “When I say be creative I don’t mean that you should all go and become great painters and great poets. I simply mean let your life be a painting, let your life be a poem.” – Osho
32. “Religion is belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experience.” – Deepak Chopra
33. “The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.” – Osho
34. “Nirvana or lasting enlightenment or true spiritual growth can be achieved only through persistant excercise of real love.” – M. Scott Peck
35. “The answer lies within ourselves. If we can’t find peace and happiness there, it’s not going to come from the outside.” – Tenzin Palmo
![Inspirational Spiritual Quotes for Enlightenment & Wisdom](
36. “The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” – Lao Tzu
37. “Every human has four endowments; self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom. The power to choose, to respond, to change.” – Stephen Covey
38. “Enlightenment is not something to be attained. As a human being it is your natural state. Your very core is composed of love and light, it is consciousness. It is the fallacy of ego and reality that prevents you from realizing your inner divinity. You must shed the illusions and you will be left with pure enlightenment. It is not something to attain, you must lose, and you shall be.” – Anonymous
39. “If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.” – Hermann Hesse
40. “The spiritual process is always individual. You may sit in a group, but only the individual can evolve; only the individual can liberate himself.” – Sadhguru
![Inspirational Spiritual Quotes for Enlightenment & Wisdom](
41.“If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone.” – Buddha
42. “Someone who wants to attain enlightenment must be brave. He must rush into the crowd of enemies with a dagger. In the practice of Zen, enemies are our delusive thoughts and passions.” – Koun Yamada
43. “To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment.” – Eckhart Tolle
44. “Anything that makes you weak Physically, Mentally and Spiritually reject it as poison.” – Buddha
45. “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” – Carl Jung
![Inspirational Spiritual Quotes for Enlightenment & Wisdom](
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Hello, my name is Sara and I am the founder of Spiritvibez, I’m here to guide you on your spiritual journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery. I believe that true transformation occurs when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned and working in harmony. Through Spiritvibez, I hope to inspire and empower you to deepen your spiritual practice, embrace your authentic self, and begin living your best life.
Really appreciated this collection of quotes.